Saturday, July 4, 2015

Self-assessment-project reflection!

Throughout MTI562, our instructor Jacqui Murray has asked us to take risks, get out of our
comfort zone and find new ways to bring technology into our classrooms.  The project I have chosen to evaluate is my week two project in which I discovered the concept of screencasts and the program Jing.  I have chosen to use the rubric for the course and self-evaluate.  In looking at it again, I completed it as a demonstration of how I could possibly use this in my classroom.  I remember doing it several times to get the rhythm down of speaking and clicking on the screen and yet if I was to do it again, I would have taken the video even further through the school website. In the video on Assessments, one of the 15 concepts of a well-rounded evaluation of a student was whether they were able to solve technological problems before asking for help.  This idea sums up the entire class the last five weeks.  Each time I have tackled a new web tool there has been no one here to ask for help but I was able to figure it out by trial and error. I did not agree at the beginning of the class, but now believe that my students must be encouraged to work through their own tech problems.  If I was to grade my own project, I would take 5 points off under completion.  I was able to figure out how to use Jing but now would go complete it with more depth. This would give me a total score of 155. 

In my own classroom, I allow students to re-write their essays if they wish.  It is always amazing to me how many students do not take me up on this offer, even though it would raise their grade.  Self-assessment is necessary to move forward.  My week two project did accomplish the goal of the class and I believe showed that I am learning. This is a web-tool I will be using and have downloaded the "yellow sun" on my computer, my husband's with a promise to teach him and my school computer.

Projects rubric:
CategorySuperior (160 pts)Sufficient (128 pts)Below Standard (112 pts)
Understanding of web tool

Shows strong understanding of activity, concept, or tool and maximize learningShows adequate understanding of activity, concept, or tool and benefit learning.Shows little understanding of activity, concept, or tool and may not benefit learning.
Practical evidence

Shows strong evidence of ideas and insights gained from this course and how they are applied to classroom. Shows evidence of ideas and insights from this course and how they are applied to classroom.Shows little evidence of ideas and insights from this course or how they are applied to the classroom.

Completed in a thoughtful and meaningful manner.Completed, but with minimal quality.Not all projects are completed and of those that are, some are minimal quality.
Grammar and Spelling

Includes no mistakes in grammar or spelling. Includes few grammar and spelling mistakes.Includes numerous grammar and spelling mistakes.

Sequenced, showing if-then thinking and the logical order required to complete skill, solve problem, or use tool. Not always sequenced, showing incomplete if-then thinking and understanding of logical order required to complete skill.Confusing making it difficult to replicate activities; little understanding of logic or if-then thinking evidenced.